BOOKSHELVES is a collaborative literary residency program in the storefront of 3307 W Washington Blvd. The program centers on a sculpture of moveable shelves that contain the personal library collection of artist and 3307 director Amanda Martin Katz. Katz invites other artists, writers, and curators to rearrange the collection’s ontology and structural design for two-month collaborative “thought residencies.”
My residency shaped itself with the standing point that Craft denotes a spectrum of activity that ranges from professional to amateur production, typically resulting in objects traded publically for-profit and those constructed privately for pleasure. Considering that the transmission of knowledge is the origin of design, craft is both a process and a product that, in turn, designs the self and the social as we form communicative landscapes.
Series of radio shows alongside the residency are accessible here:
The Transmission of Knowledge is the Origin of Design
Craft is a Process and a Product
Designing The Self, Designing The Social
Location, date: Los Angeles - London, 2018
Project: Two months Residency, Series of Radio Show and Book Display